JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - For the second time, 10 teams of Indonesian students from 5 Universities will follow Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) Asia 2011 that will be hosted on 6 to 9 July 2011 in Circuit, Sepang, Malaysia. The team comes from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, 2 teams, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, 3 teams, University of Indonesia, 2 teams, University of Gajah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, 2 teams, and State Polytechnic Pontianak (Polnep) 1 team.
The whole team has been showing vehicles made and will be contested to the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Boediono, National Education Minister, Muhammad Nuh, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Darwin Zahedy Saleh was accompanied by Country Chairman & President Director of PT Shell Indonesia, Darwin Silalahi on May 14, yesterday in the South Parking, Bung Karno, Jakarta.
According to Budiman Moerdijat, GM External Affairs and Communication, PT Shell Indonesia, later, the 10 teams of Indonesian students will be compete with 117 teams from 13 countries in Asia. "2011 Asian SEM The number of participants increases, both the team and the number of countries," said Budiman.
Race categories will be followed by Indonesian students is limited to vehicles Uban (6 teams) and Prototype (4). Especially for a prototype vehicle with an aerodynamic shape and small size, participants from Indonesia is targeting fuel consumption of 1,000 km per liter (KPL).
Last year, the team Sapu Angin 2 of ITS Surbaya, for the category of Urban consumption recorded 238 km / liter and won the overall champion for this type of combustion engine (internal combustion engine) with gasoline fuel type.
Meanwhile, Vice President Boediono, before seeing the vehicle of participants, in his speech said that he's proud with the ability and the target of Indonesian students. "The problem is not just race. But it is team work. To follow the race and making vehicles, worked together, team work. This is a very needed in the next generation to go forward, "said Boediono.
With Education and Energy and Mineral Resources Minister, Vice President viewing directly any vehicle that will be contested student creations. Vice President is also in dialogue with each team and had also entered into the vehicle from UGM, urban type.
Meanwhile, President Director of PT Shell Indonesia, Darwin Silalahi said, this competition aims to inspire students to create energy-efficient vehicles and environmentally friendly. This is refer to increasingly scarce and expensive fossil energy. "While the needs actually increased," he explained.
Another target of the Indonesian team - for category Urban - vehicles similar to those used on public streets with 100-300 MPA. For gasoline engines, engine capacity used ranged from 90-125 cc and still rely on the supply of carburizing system (using a carburetor).
This was done, as explained team manager Ancestor archipelago of ITB, Surya Kurniawan Suminar, regulation of the committee does not allow using pump gasoline (fuel) electricity. The same was described by Eko Hardianto from the team following a Sapu Angin 4 Urban with diesel engines. "The challenge is quite heavy," said Eko.