Jakarta, SolusiMobil.com - Ten teams Indonesian Students from 5 Universities ready to compete Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) Asia 2011 that will be held on 6 to 9 July 2011 in Circuit, Sepang, Malaysia. Located in the South parking lot, Senayan, Jakarta on Saturday (14 / 5) yesterday 10 vehicles from 10 teams which will represent Indonesia, had been launched and demonstrated in front of Vice President of Republic of Indonesia, Boediono, National Education Minister, Muhammad Nuh, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR).
On occasion, the team represent their innovative vehicle design that is ready to compete with other countries in Asia with the aim of ripping off the boundaries of fuel efficiency with furthest distance and minimum fuel. In this event, the Indonesian National Education Minister Mohammad Nuh and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Dr. Darwin Zahedy Saleh welcomed the participation of the Indonesian team on SEM Asia 2011.
According to Budiman Moerdijat, GM External Affairs and Communication, PT Shell Indonesia, which was also attending this event, explain that 10 teams of Indonesian students will fight with 117 teams from 13 countries in Asia. " In 2011, the number of participants in Asian SEM increases, both the team and the number of countries," he explained.
Race categories wich will be followed by Indonesian students is limited to vehicles Uban (6 teams) and Prototype (4). Especially for a prototype vehicle with an aerodynamic shape and small size, participants from Indonesia is targeting fuel consumption of 1,000 km per liter (KPL).
Ten teams and their vehicles are not going to SEM Asia 2011, respectively, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) with three vehicles called Sapu Angin 3, 4 and Sapu Angin 5, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) with Cikal and Rakata , Univ. Indonesia (UI) with Nakoela and Sadewa, Univ. Gadjah Mada (UGM) with Semar Prototype and Semar last Urban and teams from Polytechnic Pontianak (Polnep) will bring his Khatulistiwa- Line.
SEM Participants can choose to use fuel for their vehicles, the type of fuel that will be used are petrol Shell Unleaded 95, Shell Diesel, LPG, Shell Gas to Liquid (100% GTL), Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (100% FAME ), Ethanol E100 (100% Ethanol), Hydrogen and Solar and one of the alternative sources of energy which is currently only allowed on the batteries of plug-ins (plug-in electricity).