About ITS Team

We are the third generation of ITS Team that participate at Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2012 Competition in Sepang, Malaysia. Our target is 1 liter of fuel can be used to travel until at least 2,500 km for prototype class (Sapu Angin 6), and 1 liter of fuel can be uses to travel until at least 700 km for urban class (Sapu Angin 7).

Urban Car Specification

SAPU ANGIN 7 Chassis : Aluminium Alloy Engine : 210 CC Fuel System : Direct Injection Fuel : Diesel Fuel (FAME) Transmission : Sprocket Chain System Steering System : Ackermann Steering Brake : Hydraulic Disk brake

Prototipe Car Specification

Sapu Angin 6 Chassis : Aluminium Alloy Engine : 65 CC, PAIJO EVOLUTION PEV-03 (Internal Combustion) Fuel System : Electronic Fuel Injection (Indirect Injection) Fuel : Gasoline Transmission : Pulley - Belt System Steering System : Ackermann Steering Brake : Hydraulic Disk Brake

The 3rd Generation of SAPU ANGIN

Posted on Sunday, July 17, 2011
JAKARTA - The team's success SAPUANGIN Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya in the Shell Eco Marathon in Malaysia to bring the first champion, greeted a large family ofITS.

Their arrival back to Surabaya, was greeted dozens of engineering students of ITS,some mechanical engineering alumnus of ITS and ITS Rector, Prof.. Dr. Ir. Tri Yogi ITSYuwono and officials.

After being paraded around Surabaya using the pickups, they arrived at the ITS. Arrivingin the courtroom rector, Chairman of ITS Engineering Department, Prof.. Dr. Ir. SasoHerman says, hard work 
SAPUANGIN team deserves the award. "Toil you guys for almost a year now, it worth it to get academic achievement," said Herman greeted as reported in the ITS online on Saturday (07/16/2011).

Mojokerto-born lecturer statement has the support Tri Yogi. "Please take my courses,namely Advanced Fluid Mechanics. God willing, all will get an A, "he said.

Rector who likes cycling is admitted, very proud of the success achieved by his students. "I am very proud of them. They deserve to become an icon of ITS, "he added.

Overwhelming response and the unexpected, make the team happy and ITSEngineering moved, not least Winds Sweep Team Leader, Eko Hardianto. "We are very pleased to welcome friends. Honestly, this is the first time in our busy-busy paradedaround the city. Understandably the villagers, "he said.
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Surabaya - SAPUANGIN victory in the Shell Eco Marathon 2011 (SEM) in Malaysia, paraded through the campus began to Juanda Airport ITS. The team consistsof 23  people including lecturers marched through the main streets.

They walked up the jeep, pickup, bus, car and dozens of motorcycles, passing JalanAhmad Yani, Jalan Dharmo, Basuki Rahmat to the Governor Suryo, Yos Sudarso,Dharmahusada up to Kertajaya. The convoy was also received attention from the road users.

The delegation team was immediately greeted by ITS Rector Prof. Dr. IrTriyogi Yuwono DEA, after arrival on campus. "Welcome to the Asian champions," saidProfessor of Mechanical Engineering as he shook hands with the ITS team members SAPUANGIN, Thursday (07/15/2011) night.

At the prestigious event, the ITS team to send three representatives ITS teamnicknamed machine. They each SAPUANGIN 3, 4 and Sweep Sweep Wind Wind 5.

The result, SAPUANGIN 4 team won the Grand Prize Urban Concept InternalCombustion. Not only that, the team also became the Holy Grail of Alternative DieselFuel on the ITB. Unfortunately, the ITS team must defeat the category prototype.

According to Ir Witantyo M.Eng.Sc, a team builder, ITS Winds Sweep far less than theThai team is able to penetrate more than 2,000 Km. "ITS is only capable of 353 kmbecause there is damage to one of its parts since the car arrived," said Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering ITS.

Even so, SAPUANGIN 5 is still on the order of 8 asia and the number one Indonesia forgasoline-fueled prototype class. While the SA 3 was actually in the category of premiumfuel only in third place under ITB.

"However, the team has achievement for Indonesia. SAPUANGIN would become an icon of ITS in the future," explained Triyogi.
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SAPUANGIN 4 that uses biodiesel fuel is achieved mileage of 150 km / liter, ahead of other teams that compete in the Urban Concept class.JAKARTA - Institut Technologi  Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) successfully defended his title last year in the Shell Echo Marathon (SEM) as a champion of the 2011 Asian Urban Concept category at the student efficient car race in Asia by Tim Winds Sweep 4.
SAPUANGIN 4 that uses biodiesel fuel is achieved mileage of 150 km / liter, ahead of other teams that compete in the Urban Concept class.
Achievement of the SAPUANGIN 4 Indonesia followed other teams that occupy the four main grades, ie roots of the ITB Archipelago (117 km / liter), SAPUANGIN 3 of the ITS (113 km / liter) and Semart 2 of Gajah Mada University (68 km / liter) .

Some participants from Indonesia also received an award from the committee. Semart a team from the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) has won one category of the prestigious Technical Innovation Award, is being Rakata from the ITB team who managed to get the Communication Award.
SEM Asia 2011 held at the Sepang International Circuit, Malaysia 7 to 9 July 2011. In the race this year, Thailand again rule the Prototype category. Both participants from Thailand, namely Luke Jao Mae Khlong Prapa and ATE.1 (last year's champion), won the most economical rankings.
Jao Mae Khlong Luk Prada that use ethanol, a new record, 2213 km / liter. While ATE.1 that use gasoline, get 1608 km / liter. Both teams left the far-BIT eCar of China 1231 km / liter which also uses a gasoline engine.
SEM this year's participants came from 13 Asian countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Indonesia to include 10 teams consisting of 5 vehicles and 5 Urban Concept Prototype from ITB, ITS, University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University and Polnep Pontianak.Of the 95 participants, 72 teams competed in the category of prototype vehicles and 23 teams for the Urban Concept. (C8/lik/ESDM)
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KOMPAS.com - Institut Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya defend his title as the designer of the most economical car in the Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) in 2011 which was held at the Sepang Circuit, Malaysia, on 7-9 July 2011.

In Urban Concept category, the car "SAPUANGIN 4" draft ITS student raised the efficiency of 150 kmpl (kilometers per liter). These results beat seven other teams that compete in the Urban Concept class.
ITS team also won third place for this category by placing the car "SAPUANGIN 3", after reaching the value of the efficiency of 113 kmpl. For the economical car category, the ITS is the defending champion. Last year, "Winds Sweep 2" came out as champions.
ITS victory more complete after the set as a champion in the class of alternative-fuel diesel urban concept, because it uses fuel FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) or biodiesel.
"We use biodiesel fuel as an environmentally friendly," said the Rector of ITS Triyogi Yuwono.
At this year's competition, ITS lowered three students to design a car that is "Winds Sweep 3", "SAPUANGIN 4", and "SAPUANGIN 5". SAPUANGIN three diesel-engined 200 cc, while the SAPUANGIN 4 using 100 cc engines, and SAPUANGIN 5 90 cc four-stroke engine made by students of ITS with the name Paijo Experiment (PEX) 90.
SAPUANGIN 5 which falls in the class prototype successfully recorded a yield of 353 km per liter of gasoline. This design debuted at No. 8 and No. 1 Indonesia Asia for gasoline-fueled prototype class.
The underdog of the vehicle designed ITS is a technology innovation. For example, the engine uses SAPUANGIN 5 Paijo Experiment and its control system using homemade control system with the name IQUTECH-E (pronounced in the Java language "iki utekke" which means "this is his brain"). Meanwhile, SAPUANGIN 3 became the sole participant in an urban class that uses diesel fuel alternative that is environmentally friendly biodiesel.
SEM Asia is a showcase for students to develop innovation, imagination, and creativity in creating a future vehicle technologies that can travel the farthest distance, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly.
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