Surabaya - SAPUANGIN victory in the Shell Eco Marathon 2011 (SEM) in Malaysia, paraded through the campus began to Juanda Airport ITS. The team consistsof 23 people including lecturers marched through the main streets.
They walked up the jeep, pickup, bus, car and dozens of motorcycles, passing JalanAhmad Yani, Jalan Dharmo, Basuki Rahmat to the Governor Suryo, Yos Sudarso,Dharmahusada up to Kertajaya. The convoy was also received attention from the road users.
The delegation team was immediately greeted by ITS Rector Prof. Dr. IrTriyogi Yuwono DEA, after arrival on campus. "Welcome to the Asian champions," saidProfessor of Mechanical Engineering as he shook hands with the ITS team members SAPUANGIN, Thursday (07/15/2011) night.
At the prestigious event, the ITS team to send three representatives ITS teamnicknamed machine. They each SAPUANGIN 3, 4 and Sweep Sweep Wind Wind 5.
The result, SAPUANGIN 4 team won the Grand Prize Urban Concept InternalCombustion. Not only that, the team also became the Holy Grail of Alternative DieselFuel on the ITB. Unfortunately, the ITS team must defeat the category prototype.
According to Ir Witantyo M.Eng.Sc, a team builder, ITS Winds Sweep far less than theThai team is able to penetrate more than 2,000 Km. "ITS is only capable of 353 kmbecause there is damage to one of its parts since the car arrived," said Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering ITS.
Even so, SAPUANGIN 5 is still on the order of 8 asia and the number one Indonesia forgasoline-fueled prototype class. While the SA 3 was actually in the category of premiumfuel only in third place under ITB.
"However, the team has achievement for Indonesia. SAPUANGIN would become an icon of ITS in the future," explained Triyogi.
They walked up the jeep, pickup, bus, car and dozens of motorcycles, passing JalanAhmad Yani, Jalan Dharmo, Basuki Rahmat to the Governor Suryo, Yos Sudarso,Dharmahusada up to Kertajaya. The convoy was also received attention from the road users.
The delegation team was immediately greeted by ITS Rector Prof. Dr. IrTriyogi Yuwono DEA, after arrival on campus. "Welcome to the Asian champions," saidProfessor of Mechanical Engineering as he shook hands with the ITS team members SAPUANGIN, Thursday (07/15/2011) night.
At the prestigious event, the ITS team to send three representatives ITS teamnicknamed machine. They each SAPUANGIN 3, 4 and Sweep Sweep Wind Wind 5.
The result, SAPUANGIN 4 team won the Grand Prize Urban Concept InternalCombustion. Not only that, the team also became the Holy Grail of Alternative DieselFuel on the ITB. Unfortunately, the ITS team must defeat the category prototype.
According to Ir Witantyo M.Eng.Sc, a team builder, ITS Winds Sweep far less than theThai team is able to penetrate more than 2,000 Km. "ITS is only capable of 353 kmbecause there is damage to one of its parts since the car arrived," said Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering ITS.
Even so, SAPUANGIN 5 is still on the order of 8 asia and the number one Indonesia forgasoline-fueled prototype class. While the SA 3 was actually in the category of premiumfuel only in third place under ITB.
"However, the team has achievement for Indonesia. SAPUANGIN would become an icon of ITS in the future," explained Triyogi.